A Rainbow Family It’s been 20 years since I found my first “linked descendants.” Coming to the Table was not yet born and I’d never heard that phrase. I didn’t…
A few years back, when I first met some of my African American linked descendants, I was excited and enthusiastic, ready to embrace them warmly. They opened their arms to…
Introduction This is the first of three posts about my initial efforts to identify linked descendants connected to my slave-owning ancestors on my father’s side of the family in South…
Eva Robinson Taylor, courtesy Gayle Jessup White When I read Gayle Jessup White's essay in a recent post on "The Root," I had such strong identification with it that I…
This post is the first of three pieces on 1) how I discovered slavery in my heritage, specifically focusing on a woman named Amanda owned by my ancestor Thomas Jackson…
I’ve been avoiding writing for this blog, because I thought I have not been able to find any linked descendants. But thinking about it a few weeks ago, I realized…
- by Pam Smith Posted on January 10, 2014 by psmith30 (Post first written on January 4, 2014) I am fighting back tears and my stomach is in knots. Most…