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From South Carolina, my sister sends me this link about descendants of enslaved people and enslavers who come together at Wavering Place Plantation in Hopkins, SC. I am gratified that these reunions of linked descendants seem to be happening more and more, as it promises additional conversations about the possibility of transformation and reconciliation.  I will be trying to reach these descendants about joining Coming to the Table.

Families of Nkrumah Steward and Robert Adams.

Dinner at Wavering Place Plantation.

Felicia Furman

Felicia Furman

Filmmaker and advocate of racial reconciliation.


  • Prinny Anderson says:

    Thank you, Felicia, for connecting us to this story at this particular time. It heartens me to remember that people are connecting and healing through family and through their investigation of the truth of the past. It gives me some hope during dark days that through telling each other the truth and holding each other in love and compassion, we can make profound changes in our society.

  • Prinny Anderson says:

    Breaking news, breaking news – The Slave Dwelling Project will be leading a visit to Wavering Place as part of its conference 19 – 21 September. Come walk the property, visit the slave dwellings, and meet Mr. Adams, mentioned in the news story.

  • Sarah Brown says:

    So well put! I had the same experience a few weeks ago, with only good feelings and ear-to-ear smiles.

  • It is very gratifying and heart warming to see smiles on the faces in this photo. It would be the greatest of moments in my life to attend such a dinner with linked descendants of slaves owned by my Terrett ancestors. I know the ancestors are supporting and encouraging my telling of their story. The work continues.

  • I appreciate Nkrumah Steward’s equanimity:
    “Robert is a descendant of people who owned my family. He didn’t own anybody,” said Steward. “I am a descendant of slaves of that his family owned. I have never been a slave. This is about history. This is about family. There is nothing he can do or I can do that can change the fact that I have relatives who may have died on that plantation. This was about seeing a physical place that my relatives walked, regardless of the condition.”

    At his own blog, Steward refers to himself as a ‘Theoretical Spiritualist.’

    Almost 3,000 likes & more than 100 comments at the facebook post which drew Good Morning America’s attention.

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