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Being a “linked descendant” puts racism and white privilege in a harsh light for me.  It makes speaking out honestly about the legacy of slavery a personal and family imperative.

I always knew that my mother’s ancestral roots went back to at least one plantation-owning Virginia family, but not until well into adulthood did I realize that being directly descended from one plantation family actually means being descended from many such families, and related by marriage to as many as 50 others.  Furthermore, this heritage for “first families of Virginia”  turns out to endow me with an extended family of European American cousins, but an equally large or larger extended family of African American cousins.  And the longer I studied my family tree, the more I realized how large, extended and “linked” it is.

As I use the term, being a “linked descendant” has several layers of meaning. First, it means knowing and acknowledging that at least one of my ancestors owned slaves, kept people in bondage to make his own life easier.  “Linked,” in this case, means bondage and speaks of chains and shackles.

Being a “linked descendant” also means that I know there are living descendants of the enslaved people owned by my ancestors; my family’s involvement with slavery cannot be relegated to the past.  The past and its harms are linked to the present and its harms.

Being a “linked descendant” means I am fortunate enough to know personally a number of the descendants of my ancestors’ enslaved people; we are connected in the present, albeit in a different way than our ancestors were connected in the past.

Finally, being a “linked descendant” means I am as fully and equally related by blood to African American descendants of enslaved people as I am to the European American descendants of slave owners, people my grandmother introduced me to at family reunions.

The story of how I come to be part of a large biracial family, linked by slavery and by kinship, is a fairly commonplace story among the old land-owning families of the American South.  In part, it is the story of two generations of slave-owning families.  My 5xgreat grandfather, John, had four children who survived into adulthood, the offspring of three European American wives, and was widowed three times.  After the death of his third wife, John took one of his enslaved women, Elizabeth, as a concubine and had at least six children with her, children who are the half-brothers and half-sisters to his children of European heritage.

One of his European-heritage daughters, Martha, married Thomas, a plantation-owner.  Martha gave birth to several children, two of whom lived to be adults.  When Martha’s father John died, she and Thomas inherited many of John’s enslaved people, including John’s concubine Elizabeth and her children, Martha’s half-siblings.  Like her mother before her, Martha died young, and Thomas never remarried.  And like his father-in-law, Thomas subsequently had a long-standing relationship with one of the enslaved half-sisters of his wife.  Together they had several children.  As with John’s family, Thomas’s family included two sets of half-siblings, at least four children of combined African and European heritage and two children of only European heritage.

The descendants of these six half-siblings were linked through ownership in the past, and linked through kinship that will endure forever, in the past, present and future. In the present, some of the descendants of Thomas are linked through friendship as well.  We are also linked by a shared passion to make sure the full and honest story of our family connections is told, honored, and explored.

As a descendant of the European American side of the family, integrating the implications of being a “linked descendant” has meant wrestling with my upbringing, to see African Americans as part of the “we,” not members of the “they.” It has meant  opening my mind and my conscience, my ears and eyes, and my heart to the reality that discrimination, disrespect, and denial of rights are happening to my people, my family, not to strangers or faceless others.  To viscerally comprehend that my cousins are followed in upscale shops, my cousins will be required to produce identification to vote in some states, and my cousins could be victims of enforcers of “stand your ground” laws.

Being “linked” also means accepting real, horrific disconnects and distortions I’d rather not look at if I didn’t have to.  Some of the cousins I know and cherish are related to me because one side of my family took an active role in capturing, abducting and enslaving the other side of my family. Grandfather John was a slave trader.  Socially and politically prominent men on one side of my family took advantage of their power and forced powerless women on the other side of the family into sexual relationships. Grandfather John and Grandfather Thomas took enslaved women as concubines. The wealthy, powerful European side of my family kept its biracial children from the other side of the family in bondage, did not acknowledge their paternity, did not let them share in their patrimony, and worse still, separated those children from their mothers and from each other, and sold them, when those rich and powerful men’s bad financial decisions created pressure for funds.

Being a linked descendant means I am linked personally and directly to one of the darkest, most shameful, most uncomfortable threads of American history, linked to a shame my fellow Americans do not want to face, take responsibility for, and make amends for.  Being a linked descendant means I am graced with opportunities to speak up for justice, ask questions about the truth, push into areas of discomfort hoping for mercy, and  be part of the search for peace in my soul, in my family, and in my nation.

Prinny Anderson

Prinny Anderson

As the five times great niece of an enslaved woman and the four times great granddaughter of the enslaved woman’s half-sister and enslaver, Prinny’s identity is shaped by connections to her linked ancestors and linked descendants. There are enslavers among all the branches of her family, including those from the North. Her commitment to helping people face their own connections to slavery and its legacies, and to become engaged in dismantling systemic racism in the U.S. arises from those family connections. Prinny is a founding member of Coming to the Table, of the CTTT Linked Descendants Working Group, and of the blog, BitterSweet: Linked Through Slavery. She is one of the coordinators of a CTTT affiliate in the Triangle area of NC. Prinny is retired from a career in international leadership education, executive coaching, and organizational consulting, and the author of six books in those fields.


  • Four generations of my Terrett ancestors were slaveholders in Alexandria Virginia, beginning with my fifth great grandfather, William Henry Terrett, in 1741. I’m part of the CTTT Writers Working Group, and have submitted a first draft of an essay on the slave holding of my ancestors to editors Dionne Ford and Jill Strauss to be included in the upcoming anthology, “Shared Legacies,” and will be attending the CTTT Gathering next month with my wife Barbara. I am becoming better prepared to meet ancestors of slaves held by generations of the Terrett family, and would greatly appreciate any assistance from anyone at Bittersweet in locating and meeting such persons.
    Elaine McRey, Librarian at the Virginia Room of the Fairfax County Public Library, has suggested that I “may want to look at original deeds and/or wills which may mention slaves by name,” and that “indexes to these documents can be found at the Historical Records department of the Fairfax County Circuit Court.” The library has microfilmed deeds and wills up to (about) the mid 19th century, and Barbara and I will be researching possibilities in person after the National Gathering.
    Primary to my research of my Terrett ancestors has been the “Documentary Study and Archaeological Investigation (44AX198) completed by John Milner Associates of Alexandria in April of 2008, which includes this quote on p. 52 of the study: “Site 44AX162 is a domestic site that represents the remains of a possible slave cabin”……..”occupied from about 1800 to 1870 when it burned down”……… “A time capsule was placed in a concrete vault with a stone marker above it in 2000 for Alexandria’s anniversary and it was designated an archeological site and given a VDHR (Virginia Department of Historical Resources) site number”……… “Historic structures near the project area include the Terrett family home, Oakland, built in 1741 by William Henry Terrett.” How bittersweet it would be to visit this site with ancestors of generations of African-American slaves held by my Terrett ancestors, and spend a night there with them. Any assistance anyone might give to make this a reality would be most greatly appreciated. Thank you and please introduce yourselves to Barbara and me next month if you will be coming to the CTTT National Gathering.

    David Terrett Beumee

  • 3atltl says:

    I, too, am a descendant of one/many of Virginia’s First Families and I am doing research now to uncover all of our linked descendants, acknowledged and unacknowledged. It is a painful journey but so necessary. I descend from the Carter family, owners of the most enslaved individuals in Virginia history (1,000) and also the emancipator of the most enslaved individuals in US history (500, including a half-brother by a slave) –two different generations….

  • I’m afraid the younger linked descendants in my family don’t have much interest in staying in touch either. But some do because my family established a scholarship for the African American descendants so we stay in touch with some this way. Its been one of the most fulfilling experiences I have ever had but it also stirs up some of those old paternalistic feelings of the past. I bet the architects will eventually realize their privilege in knowing each other.

  • My linkage” is not as thoroughly delineated as this one, but there is an acknowledged relationship and interaction over three generations. Born in 1859, Calvin Monroe, offspring of captive Sarah Jacobs and son of slave owner John Young was acknowledged by the slave holding Young family. Calvin grew up with a cousin, John Norris Young who bequeathed the relationship to his children, and maintained
    friendship with his half cousin. I am the third generation with a friendly relationship with the remaining wife of a third generation cousin. But our children–two architects-have no interest in continuing interaction For this she and I are sorry.

    I knew several family with similar relationships and interactions in the south though childhood and early adulthood. It is god that there is literature beginning to emerge. I have fictionized part of our story-maintaining facts, but changes in the storyline.

    • Ed Young says:

      I am a descendant of John Norris Young, and would like to learn more about Calvin Monroe and Sarah Jacobs. Do you have more information you can send me?

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